You can reach the island of Elba by embarking in Piombino Marittima, where two shipping companies (Moby & Toremar and Blu Navy) offer well-equipped ferries that allow a quick and comfortable crossing. In just one hour by boat, you can cover the approximately 10 kilometers that separate the island from the mainland and you can reach the ports of Portoferraio (the main town), Cavo and Rio Marina.
Alternatively, there is a fast connection by hydrofoil for passenger traffic only, which reaches Portoferraio in just 35 minutes.
Ferry Booking
Hotel Gallo Nero adheres to the agreement between Blu Navy and Ilva Viaggi.
By booking your stay with us you will receive a discount code to enter HERE.
Tickets are available through the Ilva Viaggi agency in limited numbers and at set times. Tickets will be sent to you electronically.
Otherwise, if you do not find the most satisfactory timetable with Blu Navy, you can compare the prices of all the companies and purchase the ticket directly through our online booking system.
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